Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Thing About Being a Youth Leader...

This post has absolutely nothing to do with Madagascar. Nor does it have anything to do with France. It's all about my thoughts as a youth leader.

I was never very cool in school. I'm not very cool now but for some reason, I have tricked some teens into thinking I am. Not all of them mind you, some still look at me like I have grown two heads, but I have found a place in the hearts of some of the youth in my church, even if they will never admit how much they love me.

I did, however, do something horrific tonight. I can barely even handle the though of the youth leader blunder I made. I hope, that by posting this blog I can keep you other youth leaders out there from making the same mistake. *sigh* 

One of the girls in my youth group who I happen to adore (I adore all of them, I just really like playing with people's hair and she lets me... so win...) came to get her hair done for the Homecoming dance tonight. It wasn't that long ago that I was getting ready for dances and I know what a big deal this stuff is. I never liked the dances themselves mind you, but I loved getting dressed up! And that is exactly how this girl was feeling.

I know what it's like to know that how you look isn't everything, but also know that you will walk into a room and every girl will be critiquing what you are wearing. HEAVEN FORBID you wear the same dress as someone else. If you are having trouble grasping this concept, think about the Emmy's, only worse. Much worse. High school is more brutal than any tabloid. So I completely understand the desire to look your best at a dance. (Yes, I know, as adults we look back and think "how silly, high school doesn't really matter... but as a teenage girl you are fairly certain that you will never make it out alive...)

So anyway, her hair looked gorgeous if I do say so myself. =P As I sat there though, I couldn't help but pray that all of the girls in my youth group would have a great time, without compromising all they claim to believe on Sunday nights. I know as well as anyone how hard that is and my heart was aching for every one of them. My heart aches as they go to school every day and face temptations that even I didn't have to face 5 years ago. My heart aches for them as they encounter boys who are NOT seeking to be godly young men, and do not have any interest in protecting their hearts. My heart aches for them every day, but tonight was harder than usual for some reason. Maybe it is because I am leaving soon, I don't know, but that is when I made a rookie mistake. (Prepare to place hand on forehead and sigh heavily...)

I crossed into the dreaded *gulp*  

<mom zone>

I am not even a mom. I am not even close to being a mom, let alone being the mom of a teenager. But something came over me as she was about to get out of my car and head into her friend's house to finish getting ready. I started saying all those mom things. "Have fun! Be safe! Make good choices! Call me if something happens that you are uncomfortable with and you need a ride!" The mood in the car changed dramatically. We went from joking and laughing to feeling slightly awkward. I had pretty much just finished telling her how mature she has become and how much I trust her to make good choice and then I go and blow it by playing the mom card. *insert headbanging here* It gets worse. I did the worst thing imaginable. Are you picturing it? She's getting out of the car and walking around, dress in hand, hair all cute... and I ROLLED DOWN THE WINDOW! I don't know what came over me. It's like I was possessed. I yelled "You have my number right?!?!?!?!?!"

I think I am going to have to flee to Madagascar. Maybe she'll forget by the time I get back. Maybe she won't tell the other girls how suddenly uncool I am. Maybe...ugh I am toast. =P

In all seriousness I know she will forgive me for my momentary lapse in sanity, but the thing about being a youth leader is that it's kind of like being a parent, only you skipped the cute baby stage and went right into the scary teenage years. It's exciting to be a youth leader, but it's a little scary too. Everyone of the girls in the youth group has a special place in my heart and I want to protect them from all the crap they will get in High School. I want to protect them from boys and tell them to wait for a man of God. I want to ensure they keep walking in the path of righteousness and hold fast to the truth they claim. But I can't. I have to trust that God loves them more than I do and that He will take care of them. I think that is one of the hardest things in leaving. I want to continue watching them grow, but God has a different plan for the next few months. My time with them is drawing to a close, but I am trusting that God will bring someone else to help them grow, or maybe it's time they learned to grow on their own. Who knows? (well, who besides God)

If you will, join me in praying for the youth in America. Pray for the girls that they will not be tempted by the things of this world. Pray that they will grow strong in their faith. Pray for the boys, that they will grow into Godly men who are leaders. Pray that all of them will resist temptation and set their hope fully on Christ in a world where Christ is far from popular.

1 comment:

  1. I remember a quotation from my BJU days, "If you move you're going to create friction." Add to this the very familiar, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" and you have a recipe for disappointment somewhere along the way. The alternative? Become permanent wallpaper. Yuck!
