Mom and I went to Pennsylvania a few weeks back and we drove through the Appalachian Mountains. (see picture to the right). I was so excited. I have always liked mountains. I mean, to look at of course. I can't say I have ever sincerely desired to climb one... but still they are beautiful.
Well now I am in France and I am very close to the French Alps. I look back at my pictures of the Appalachian mountains and I am slightly less enthused. Let's face it, you would be too if you got to see <- that every day. The stunning view of the mountains is all around here. You can't look anywhere and not see something huge and beautiful. The Appalachian mountains are still big, and they are still beautiful, but I cannot look at them the same way because I have seen the Alps.
I heard someone once say that "When your problems seem too big, you view of God is too small." Often I look at the little foothills of life and think they are so big. It's like being in the Appalachian mountains and thinking they are the biggest mountains in the world. I can't see over them and I just feel so overwhelmed and hopeless. Even traveling here, and later to Madagascar, it all seems so huge, so scary, so impossible.
Yet standing in constant view of these mountains gives me just a little glimpse of how great and glorious our God is. He is huge! He makes the foothills seem like ant hills in view of His greatness! When you glimpse the stunning beauty and power of God, you can't look at you problems the same way. They might still be big, but God is so much bigger, there isn't even a comparison. I trust in a God that MOVES mountains with just the slightest word. In light of a God that can do all things by the power of His word ALONE, I cannot see my problems in the same light.
The grace of God changes us; it changes our perspective on everything. It colors our world. Sin still comes in and makes mountains out of mole hills, but when we see God for who He is, we cannot help but have our perspective changed. It brings the focus off ourselves and puts it on the one who deserves it. How Great, HOW GREAT, Is our God!
its so beautiful and the town looks so cute! : ) I MISS YOU!
ReplyDeleteI know you'll find the following quotation apropos (a-hem, from 17th C French)!
ReplyDelete“If we consider the unblushing promises of reward … promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory