Monday, November 19, 2012


I was home alone this morning and the phone rang. Normally I would just let it go as my conversation skills are severely limited, but I knew we were expecting a call. I walked over the the phone, secretly hoping that it would stop ringing, but it didn't.

"God please please please please please let this be someone who speaks English!!!" I begged aloud.

I took a deep breath, practicing "Allo, pardon, parlez vous anglais?" over and over in my head.My stomach was seriously turning knowing that if it was someone who was speaking French really fast, I was going to have to be rude and interrupt, beg them to speak English and hope they understood me!

"Allo?" I said in a voice that totally betrayed my lack of confidence.

"Hi, Megan?" It was someone I knew. PRAISE THE LORD!

See, right now language is a weakness for me, and I hate being weak. I hate not knowing things, and I hate not being able to do things.

I have always been good at talking, ask anyone who knows me even a little bit. Conversations have never been my weakness (though perhaps talking too much is a weakness). But here, the thing I was once strong at, I am weak at, and it's terrible! I can't even answer the phone! 

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Hmmm. See, God delights in our weakness. Why you ask? Because in our weakness He gets the glory. When we realize we can do nothing, when we realize we are weak and powerless, His grace and power picks us up and HE gets the glory that HE deserves! When we are weak, then we are made strong.

When I am weak in conversation, I need to rely on Him for even the littlest things, like answering the phone. His power is made perfect in my weakness because when I realize that I don't know anything and I can't communicate without His help, He gives me the strength to try, and sometimes the strength and wisdom to say things that I didn't know I knew.

When I am weak, He is strong. When I am nothing, He is everything. Therefore, I will be thankful for my weakness, and I will boast in Him.

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