Monday, December 17, 2012

Do you trust me?

Do you know that part in "Aladdin" where he is standing on the magic carpet that is hovering over Jasmin's balcony holding his hand out to her and asking, "Do you trust me?" Now, if you ask me she gave in WAY too easily. As I always say, "Never trust a man on a flying carpet." but lately I feel like God is standing in this scary unknown place holding his hand out to me and saying, "Do you trust me?"

God has been asking me to do things lately that are WAY outside of my comfort zone... They are outside even the outside of my comfort zone. I was laying in bed yesterday morning hitting snooze and thinking about the things God wants me to do and I said,

"God, are you sure? You know my weaknesses, you know how much I STINK at what you are asking me to do. You know that it goes against everything that makes me, me! I seriously do not have the skills or personality or really, anything at all that would make me useful! What purpose could this possibly serve? Isn't there someone better, more qualified, more... not me?"

God doesn't have to answer me. He is God and His purposes are perfect whether I understand them or not. And frankly, I deserve to just be put in my place like Job because of my stupidity. He could have just said, "STOP QUESTIONING ME! I am God. I do what I want. Why are you being so self centered?" But he didn't.

Instead it was like God was saying ever so gently, "Megan, where is your identity found? Do you trust me? Will you follow me even if you don't understand?"

God talks significantly less than I do, but He always manages to say significantly more. It was like he was comforting me and challenging me all at the same time, and helping me realize the things I am constantly forgetting. I have always read the end of Job like God is kind of blasting Job, but I wonder now if he wasn't simply comforting and challenging Him the way He so often does to me? Anyway, this is what He reminded me.

My identity is found in Christ. I am not me, but Him in me... and He is perfect and has no weaknesses.

I am sure that there is someone out there who is FAR more qualified to do what God asks me to do, but that's not the point. It's not about me, not about what I have or do not have. It's not about what I learned in school or what my personality is. Following God has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. God doesn't require a resume. God doesn't require a certain kind of person with a certain type of skill set or anything like that. I will follow Him even though I don't understand because He is my God. All he requires is a willing obedient heart.

If you look at the Bible, you'll realize that God has a habit of calling imperfect people to do His perfect will. He gets the most glory that way, and my life's purpose is ultimately to bring Him glory. So I obey, and I let Him work miracles in me and through me. 'Cause I have nothing to offer, and that is awesome.


  1. Megan: You're really delving into the ways of God, ways that inevitably plunge beneath the superficial exterior where most tend to stop. You have stepped outside your "comfort zone," but in the process have discovered and are discovering new vistas you'd likely not have found. Praise God. Keep expressing your heart, pro or con. For in Christ, all things are "yes and Amen." We, at home, are blessed by your pilgrimage honesty.
