Monday, December 3, 2012

Kids of the Future

I heard someone say that this next generation (the generation after me) will be the first generation to have INSTANT access to what their parents were like as kids.

Say what you want about technology, but that is pretty cool.

And terrifying.

Think about it... our future kids, nieces, nephews, or students will have access to everything we have posted online. I don't know if God will choose to bless me with kids, but if he does they will be able to look back at this very blog and read everything I wrote. My future students, the kids in my future youth group, my nieces and nephews... they will all be able to go on the internet and google me, then see this post. The one I am writing right now. (Hi guys! I love you!) ((yes, your Aunt Megan has always been awkward and embarrassing...))

That's really neat to me. And again, really scary.

Believe it or not, the Bible has something to say about this. I have heard so many ignorant people say, "The Bible is not relevant today." I even heard one girl add to that once, "I mean, like, it doesn't even talk about computers or cell phones or anything..." (it made me twitch). But as I read this verse in Psalms today, I thought, "God knew that one day, the majority of people would have a completely public life on the internet."

Psalm 102:18 says this, "Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord!" 

I realized something as I read that. Yes, my blog is something to help keep people updated about my life as I am away. I want my blog to be used by God in people's lives now as an encouragement, and even, if God so chooses, a way to bring people to Him. But this blog is more than that. It is a record for generations to come, so that people YET TO BE CREATED may praise the LORD. 

That's some pretty intense pressure. 

The world tells you all the time, "It doesn't matter what people think of you!" and God echo's this as well, but he has a bit of a different take. When the world says it, it is to encourage people to be themselves and not to be like everyone else. Don't let others decide who you are, etc. When God says it, it sounds more like this.

"It doesn't matter what other people think of you, in fact, they shouldn't even be thinking of you at all. It matters what people think of ME because of you."

I want my words to point to Christ, so that you, and future generations that have yet to be created may praise the LORD. God has given us an incredible tool called the internet that can either be used to point to Him, or point to ourselves. 100 years from now, the words we have said will probably be forgotten, but the words we write can be read forever. That's not a free pass to say whatever you want to say, because what we say has an impact on your testimony here and now, but what you write or post on the internet will be a testimony to future generations.

How are you going to choose to use that tool? How does what you say on the internet reflect what is in your heart, compare to the way you live your life, and reflect the God whom you serve?

Let the words that I write, the thoughts that I have and the things that I say be an overflow of the abundant grace God has given me and an arrow pointing everyone God puts in my path, now and forever, to the incredible God whom I serve.

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