Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Looking back, Looking forward...

It's weird to think that a year ago I wasn't even sure I would be going anywhere and now as I write this I am sitting in France looking at the calendar and realizing I will be flying to Madagascar in like, 30 days.

I feel like this last year of my life was all about faith. It was about stepping out and trusting God with every aspect of my life and my future. I still don't have that all together, and I don't think I ever truly will. This year however I think the focus has shifted, or maybe it's just that the area God is working in has changed.

I think this year is more about obedience than faith. I guess the two go hand in hand really. I obey God and I have faith that He has a plan.But in this case I mean obedience without question.

It means saying, "Yes God, I will follow you to the ends of the earth without needing to know the plan or the details or how everything is going to work out. I will follow wherever you lead."

That's hard for me. I like details. I know God has a plan, I know he will take care of me because He promises that, and He has never broken a promise. I have faith in His character. But I still like to know the plan.

Today I was reading Luke 9 and I wrote some things in my journal that I wanted to share with you. I hope you are challenged like I was on this New Years Day. Whether I have the whole year to follow God, or just a few days, I pray that I will be obedient and follow Christ no matter the cost.

The Cost of Following Christ
  • I must die to myself daily. (Luke 9:23)
    • My wants are insignificant, my desires are unimportant. I will die to myself and live to serve God and others.
  • I must obey immediately. (Luke 9:59)
    • There is nothing in my life that should make me pause before obeying Christ. Nothing should mean more to me, not my family, not my obligations, not my plans.
  • I must not look back. (Luke 9:61-62)
    •  I cannot worry about what I left behind, only trust Christ with my life, with my family and with my friends. 
Here's a final thought...
A really smart girl gave me some awesome advice before I left. 

Be Obedient, Be Beautiful. 

Physical beauty is fading and superficial, but the kind of beauty that comes from obedience and surrender to Christ... that is the real thing. There is no beauty that compares to the radiance of Christ shining through those who choose to follow and obey Him.

I will obey, at all costs.

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